Powerless Librarian Blues

The piano part came to me unbidden. The lyrics, I have no idea, but my middle daughter says it sounds just like trying to borrow one of my books when she was a teenager.


you don’t want dirty looks
don’t dogear my books
that’s what bookmarks are for
see a bent page
puts me in a rage
throw you out the door

show some respect
before they’re all wrecked
and I lose my mind
you’ll rue
what I do
you won’t be just fined

don’t wanna see me get mean
leave my margins clean
or your privileges will be abrogated
be kind to the spine
or take it in thine
you’d be incapacitated

did I make it clear?
you’re not welcome here
why don’t you see
hear my poem
and go home
and watch some TV


Great big storm behind the mountain
See a flash, start counting
Feel the fire, crackling breeze
Thunder rumbles right up to your knees

Flash so bright you lose the sky
Feels like Armageddon’s nigh
Push down, move faster
Driving down the throat of disaster

High voltage electrical whine
Into my ears through the telephone line
I hear the words, feel the frisson
You talked, I didn’t listen

Tires rip the dark wet road
Under-thinking overload
A hundred miles in nothing flat
Never let you go like that

Great big storm behind the mountain
Thunder rumbles right to your knees
Great big storm behind the mountain
Thunder rumbles right to your knees
Great big storm behind the mountain
Thunder rumbles right to your knees
Great big storm behind the mountain
Thunder rumbles right to your knees